Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sin City

It's a few hours before I leave for Vegas. One of my high school teachers told my class that ever since the end of manifest destiny, Las Vegas has been time and again considered the "new frontier," bound with opportunity. That's exactly how I feel right now.

I've gotten a few requests to update throughout the summer, even though I didn't intend to when I wrote that first entry. I will try to oblige this request now and then, though I'd like to spend more time living and less time at the computer. Here's what has been happening so far:

The first stretch of summer has gone exactly as planned. I'm pretty happy with my progress bboying. I've been devouring books left and right. My parents have been teaching me to cook and I've been spending alot of time with my cousin as he might get locked away for a few months starting next week. I've explored more of LA in the last couple weeks than I did for most of high school.

Poker and sports betting have been quit successful so far. Thanks to the urging of a few friends, I've taken a more aggressive approach in moving up to High Stakes live games. I've already played a session of Bay 101's 80/160 game and two sessions at Commerce's 60/120. For those of you that have visited my room and seen my bridge chip sculptures before, I've had 8 black chips sitting on one of the bridges in order to keep me focused on one of my goals, moving up to 80/160 which uses those black chips. These three forays into High Stakes have been quite successful, but more importantly, I am comfortable in the game and feel that I am still one of the best players at the table each time.

Tommy Angelo, poker philosopher, wrote that every time you move up in limits, you need to adapt not only to changes in play, but also changes in culture. Sure it's the same game, just higher limits, but you're in a whole new world. Get used to the stronger play and the increased aggression. Be ready to call down light and snap off bluffs. Once you've gotten used to that feeling, you've arrived. Next stop is the Bellagio 100/200 game. While this is extremely ambitious given my goals at the beginning of summer, if I don't get that feeling by the time I leave Vegas at the end of July, this trip will not be considered a success.

Once I get to Vegas I'm going to setting up my online poker accounts, figuring out which sports-books we be most convenient for me to use in conjunction with my online ones, and playing a session of Bellagio 30/60 to get reacquainted with Vegas' more conservative play. I plan to do alot of sweating(watching friends as the play) with Nina and Scary_Tiger and watching of poker training videos. I will also be playing in the World Series of Poker's Event #53, $1500 Buy-in Limit Shootout, beginning on Tuesday 7/1.

I want to thank everyone who has been supportive in my endeavors and offered their input. By far and away, this was the most awesome thought I've received...

For this reason alone,

"I don’t want to wake up to a mid-life crisis stuck in a job I feel mediocre about or one that leaves me so tired that I’m frustrated when I come home to my kids. I don’t want to lay on my death bed with only memories of missed opportunities, regretting that I hadn’t taken more risks or chased more dreams. I want to live life on my own terms and this is the path I want to take. I’m ready for this."

I support you with all my heart. There's awlays going to be ups and down with every decision that you make. It seems like you developed way more of a solid plan and thought about all of the logistics before you consciously made your decision. Although it may seem like your're slightly torn, i don't see any real reason that is stopping you right now. Frankly my boy, it looks like you already made your decision. The only thing I'm iffy about is that you're going to be everywhere, and that leaves me with very little time to spend witn you. But I can't hold on to you forever right? Just promise me you will update me on your whereabout and I will faithfully read your blog and provide as much of my support as I can . But please promise me one thing, you're going to make every effort to see me before you venture off on your new exciting plans.

This is easily the most touching, platonic piece I've ever been written. Passages like this and the people that write them give me strength.


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